
Paul Wilmott 要来中国了

Paul Wilmott要来中国了,为了他开办的CQF证书造势,也为了他新个人网站www.wilmott.cn剪彩。我是通过”Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance”丛书中开始知道他的,这套书在国外Quant领域可谓入门必读之物,以浅显易懂的语言把金融工程层层展现。之后2004年我找到并加入了他的论坛,混到现在也成为Senior member了,呵呵,虽然我发的大部分为水贴。


Hi! I see that you are curious about the CQF going to China! Yes, all being well, there will be a Chinese version. It will be exactly the same content as the English version, still mainly via distance learning, but in Chinese as well as English and with Chinese support. The main thing as far as Chinese people is concerned is that it will be a proper (Western) qualification, with exactly the same standards of entry and examination as for the rest of the world.

We are testing www.wilmott.cn at the moment. Would you like to be a beta tester? Just sign up to the Forum there. There we have someone ready to answer detailed questions about the CQF (and other matters), in Chinese, of course!

Where are you based? Maybe I will see you on my travels!



尽管明知Paul最后一句是客套话,就算来中国有时间,也未必愿意抽空跟我聚聚,还是心情澎湃啊,Quantile is gonna to meet Paul, what a dream!

送上一段小MV,是Paul参加一个利用资产相关性进行交易的论坛上的一段演讲,“a stochastic volatility model based on data, confidence intervals, how to dynamically hedge to exploit arbitrage opportunities, diversification, market crashes, CrashMetrics and insuring your portfolio.”希望大家觉得有用。

2 条评论:

ChinaBo 说...


匿名 说...

我在UBS的Quant Career Day上见过Paul,非常健谈而且相当风趣,也可能是我见过Quant中最修变幅的了,呵呵

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